Delivering findings and critical insights from research is a big part of what I do. It's not enough to do great research; as a good researcher I must ensure that the data gets to those who need it and that they are able to engage with it effectively.
Hello! My name is Dixie Avugwi. I am a seasoned flexible and innovative researcher in political, public and social research sectors in Africa having worked in this industry from as far back as the year 2004, within research agencies of high repute. I have extensive experience in project design, monitoring and evaluation, research procedures, categories and systems. My research portfolio encompasses studies for various sectors including governance, health, agriculture, and education, among others. My exemplary technical skills in quantitative research approaches include sampling, questionnaire design, analysis and report writing. I have been privileged to carry out a great many impact assessments and evaluations mainly using quantitative survey research methodologies, which are my specialty. I have great technical mastery of the various methodological approaches used for impact assessments and evaluations including experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Overall the technical aspects of quantitative survey research including questionnaire design, sampling, and data analysis are right up my alley. I am the Director of Research at Research PLUS Africa which I co-founded seven years ago. My academic background is in Sociology and Geography (BA) with concentration in Research Methods, Community Development and Social Welfare, Statistics, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).