Research fellowships for early career researchers and consumers of applied research.
The Practitioner Academy offers Research Fellowships to professionals across different sectors. It is an initiative of Research PLUS Africa, hosted at the Marist Research Center and is designed to support early career researchers and/or consumers of applied research at all career levels on every step of their research journey. The fellowship is an intensive, practical, hands-on approach to building one’s capacity in research in terms of implementation skills as well as the ability to meaningfully engage with research approaches, tools, processes, outputs, and the knowledge economy as a whole.
The fellowship is split into two key phases that are linked and iterative in design and/or tailor-made to suit a given cohort based on a pre-fellowship needs and expectations survey that all fellows take. Phase I consists of a series of class-based yet practical and participatory research modules while Phase II entails individual project work where fellows are guided and supported to design (or refine) and implement a real research project of their own.